Nagambie Resources tenements

Nagambie Resources holds a large and near contiguous package of tenements, covering over 1,000 square kilometres, in the Waranga Domain of the Melbourne Structural Zone. The Waranga Domain is a globally significant prospective region for gold-antimony epizonal mineralised systems.

Mineralisation in the Waranga Domain is controlled by east-west structures, dominated by south verging reverse faults or thrusts, with associated anticlines proximal to fault planes. The reverse faults and thrusts were produced by the Late Devonian north-south compressional event following an earlier (Mid-Devonian) east-west compression.

Antimony-Gold occurrences in the Waranga, Greytown and Costerfield Domains were not affected by later east-west compression, evident in the Daraweit Guim and Mt Easton Provinces, or the Strathbogie Batholith (granitoid magmatism that formed the Strathbogie Ranges). This likely explains why antimony-gold occurrences are economically minable at the Costerfield and Fosterville mines. The antimony-gold occurrences in the Daraweit-Guim and Mt Easton Provinces to the south, are structurally more complex and lack the continuity of grade for economical extraction.

Most of the Waranga Domain is covered by Murray Basin sediments, and gold, and antimony-gold, mineralisation are known only from the rare areas of Siluro-Devonian outcrop. As such, the northern portion of the Waranga Domain is significantly under-explored. NRL believes that future discoveries of antimony-gold deposits will occur in the northern portion of the Waranga Domain that is overlain by the Murray-Basin sediments. As such, a large package of tenements has been progressively accumulated in recently years.

In parallel with development of the Gold-Antimony Project at the Nagambie Mine, Nagambie Resources will use modern exploration techniques to systematically explore its tenement package with the aim of discovering new gold-antimony mineralised systems.

Location map of Nagambie Resources’ tenements (100% owned and JV tenements) in the Waranga Domain of the Melbourne Structural Zone